bedroom stuff

By 3/08/2011 , ,

I've been staying in cosmopolitan student homes, a private hall around university of manchester, for almost 5 months. still love to stay here, though sometimes I get pissed off when my flatmates are too lazy to clean their own dishes or when they're too loud. not that I want to be mean, but I think everyone will feel the same everytime they heard errr...suspicious sounds from neighbor room on the midnight (if you understand what I mean), or if they act like having their own concert hall inside the room.

the rent price here is still affordable, compare to university hall with same facilities. moreover, they provide better location, newly constructed building with the best lighting scheme so far. I like to decorate and personalize my bedroom by putting some cute decorations, colourful storages, comfort beddings, or even pinning few pictures of people I love on the corkboard. not too much, but enough to make me feels like home. :)

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  1. demen warna nya :)
    edit ny digimanain aja c??

  2. terima kasih. :)

    aku pake basic tools yang ada di photoshop aja kok, seperti brightness contrast, sama ngatur2 curves.

